Energy Flows Where Attention Goes

Energy Flows Where Attention Goes: Harnessing the Power of Focus

Energy Flows Where Attention Goes

In the fast-paced world we live in, it’s easy to get caught up in the chaos and lose sight of what truly matters. Our attention is constantly being pulled in different directions, often leaving us feeling overwhelmed and disconnected. But what if I told you that by simply shifting your focus, you could tap into a powerful force that has the potential to transform your life? Welcome to the world of “energy flows where attention goes.”

Understanding the Magic Behind “Energy Flows Where Attention Goes”

Energy Flows Where Attention Goes Magic

The phrase “energy flows where attention goes” encapsulates the idea that the energy we emit and attract is directly influenced by where we choose to place our attention. In other words, what we focus on expands. If we constantly dwell on negative thoughts and experiences, we inadvertently invite more negativity into our lives. On the flip side, when we direct our attention towards positive thoughts and experiences, we create a fertile ground for growth and abundance.

The Power of Intention

Intention is the driving force behind where we choose to place our attention. When we set a clear intention and align our thoughts, emotions, and actions with that intention, we create a powerful energetic vibration that attracts corresponding experiences into our lives. By consciously directing our attention towards what we want to manifest, we become active participants in the creation of our reality.

So how does this work? Well, first of all, it helps to acknowledge that we are electromagnetic beings. Our heart, for instance, emits an electromagnetic frequency that is detectable and measurable. Where it gets really interesting is how thoughts and feelings also have a frequency. Through our emotions we are constantly emitting subtle vibrational electromagnetic waves. Every word we speak, every emotion, every thought we have, emits a specific vibration.

Masaru Emoto, an internationally renowned Japanese scientist and author of the book “The Hidden Messages in Water” spent years studying and experimenting with this very concept, using water as his medium to show the effect that our intentions have on our surrounding environment. If it interests you, I recommend watching “Secret of Water: Discover the Language of Life” on In the meantime, you can watch a 5 minute snippet below to get the general idea.

Masaru Emoto – Water Experiments (Energy Flows Where Attention Goes)

Cultivating Positive Focus

Cultivating a positive focus requires awareness and practice. Here are a few strategies to help you harness the power of your attention:

1. Mindfulness

Practicing mindfulness allows you to cultivate present-moment awareness and train your mind to focus on the here and now. By quieting the mental chatter and bringing your attention to the present, you create space for clarity and intentionality. Try bringing your full attention to whatever you are doing right now: what feedback are your 5 senses giving you? Let’s say you are washing dishes: pay close attention to the physical sensations, to the sounds, and the smells. Try to notice every little thing within your visual field – what are you noticing for the first time? 

Most people live the majority of their lives either in the past or in the future and this leads to much suffering. Keep in mind that the only thing that’s truly real is the present moment. Become aware of your thoughts, do your best to acknowledge them without judgement, and move your focus to the now. Meditation is a really useful tool to practice this and can be implemented daily, starting with only a few minutes at a time. There are many free resources available including guided meditations on YouTube or within apps which can help you fully embody the statement “energy flows where attention goes”.

2. Practice Gratitude

Gratitude is a powerful tool for shifting your focus towards the positive aspects of your life. Take a few moments each day to reflect on what you are grateful for. By acknowledging and appreciating the blessings in your life, you invite more abundance and positivity to keep flowing into your life. For maximum effect, do this first thing in the morning and last thing before going to bed!

Gratitude forces us to see the silver lining in difficult situations and gradually rewires our brain. When we acknowledge the things we are grateful for, we send a vibrational wavelength to the universe that we are open and ready to receive more blessings.

3. Visualization

Engage in visualization exercises to create a clear mental image of what you want to manifest. By vividly imagining your desired outcomes, you send a powerful message to the universe and align your energy with your intentions. Make sure to take the time to really see the details and to feel the emotions – this is key! If you do take up a meditation practice, visualization is a powerful tool that you can add to your arsenal.

4. Surround Yourself with Positivity (where you can)

The company we keep has a significant impact on our energy and focus. Surround yourself with positive, like-minded individuals who support and uplift you. Limit your time spent with people who drain your energy. This isn’t to say that you should cut out friends who aren’t “perfect”. Be kind, and of service to the people around you who are struggling and use your own judgement when it comes to divvying up your time.

Engage in activities that bring you joy and inspire you to stay focused on your goals. Get out into nature as much as you can and if you’re curious about the positive health benefits that come with immersing yourself in nature, look up “Forest Bathing” (or “Shinrin-yoku in Japanese). Take inventory of the entertainment you consume and limit TV or other media that is negative or unempowering.    

Overcoming Roadblocks with One-on-One Coaching

Energy Flows Where Attention Goes Roadblock

While the concept of “energy flows where attention goes” holds immense power, it’s important to acknowledge that roadblocks and challenges can arise along the way. These roadblocks can manifest as self-doubt, lack of motivation, fear of failure, or a feeling of being stuck. Hiring a coach for one-on-one sessions is probably the quickest way to help you overcome these obstacles and keep your energy flowing in the right direction.

Self-Doubt and Limiting Beliefs

Self-doubt and limiting beliefs can be major roadblocks on the path to success. They can hold you back from taking action, pursuing your dreams, or fully embracing your potential. A coach can help you identify and challenge these beliefs, replacing them with empowering thoughts and perspectives. Through personalized guidance and support, a coach can help you build self-confidence, cultivate a positive mindset, and develop a belief system that supports your growth.

Lack of Clarity and Direction

Feeling unsure about your goals and lacking clarity can be a significant roadblock. It’s challenging to direct your energy when you’re not sure where you’re headed. A coach can help you gain clarity by asking thought-provoking questions, guiding you through self-reflection exercises, and helping you uncover your true passions and purpose. With a clear vision in mind, you can align your attention and energy towards meaningful goals and take purposeful action.

Accountability and Motivation

Maintaining motivation and staying accountable to your goals can be difficult, especially when faced with obstacles or setbacks. One-on-one coaching provides the accountability and support needed to stay on track. A coach can help you set realistic milestones, create action plans, and hold you accountable to your commitments. They can also provide encouragement, celebrate your progress, and help you navigate through challenges, ensuring that your energy remains focused and your momentum stays strong.

Overcoming Fear and Resistance

Fear and resistance often arise when we step outside our comfort zones or face uncertainty. These emotions can paralyze us and prevent us from taking the necessary steps towards our goals. A coach can help you identify the root causes of your fears, develop strategies to overcome them, and provide guidance and support as you navigate through challenging situations. They can help you reframe fear as an opportunity for growth and guide you towards embracing discomfort as a catalyst for positive change.

Building Resilience and Mindset

Roadblocks can test our resilience and mindset. It’s crucial to develop the mental fortitude to bounce back from setbacks and maintain a positive outlook. A coach can help you build resilience by providing tools and techniques to manage stress, reframe challenges, and cultivate a growth mindset. They can help you develop strategies to overcome obstacles, learn from failures, and view setbacks as valuable learning experiences. With a resilient mindset, you can navigate roadblocks with grace and continue to direct your energy towards your desired outcomes.

Remember, roadblocks are not permanent barriers; they are opportunities for growth and transformation. One-on-one coaching offers personalized solutions to help you overcome these roadblocks and keep your energy flowing in the right direction. By addressing self-doubt, providing clarity, offering accountability, and fostering resilience, a coach can empower you to navigate through challenges and create the life you envision.

Embracing the Ripple Effect

Energy Flows Where Attention Goes Ripple Effect Water

As you begin to harness the power of your attention and focus, you’ll start to notice a ripple effect in your life. The energy you emit will attract corresponding experiences, people, and opportunities. By consciously choosing where to direct your attention, you become an active participant in the co-creation of your reality.

Remember, energy flows where attention goes. By shifting your focus towards positivity, abundance, and growth, you open yourself up to a world of infinite possibilities. Embrace the power of your attention and watch as your life transforms in ways you never thought possible.

So, where will you choose to direct your attention today? The choice is yours.

Schedule a FREE 30 minute consultation with me today to discuss your challenges and aspirations, and I’ll explain exactly how I can help you to align yourself to take full advantage of the concept of “Energy Flows Where Attention Goes”!

Witches call it spells. Religious people call it prayer. Spiritualists call it manifestation. Atheists call it the placebo effect. Scientists call it quantum physics. Everyone’s arguing over it’s name, but no one is denying it’s existence

– Author Unknown

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